On our most recent trip to Berlin, I was surprised to see this street poster for Coke.
Roughly translated it proudly proclaims: ‘For serious pizza serve the original.’
I fully understand food and wine, matching, even food and beer matching, but food and Coke is just silly.
While the uptake of bottled water is growing worldwide, Coke’s market share, especially in Germany, is on the slide. Their worldwide business has shrunk by 2% per annum over the last ten years.
So it’s no wonder that they have adopted the rather bizarre strategy of trying to make a fizzy, sugar laden soft drink match with food.
Is the Coca Cola Company clutching at straws?
Saturday, February 29th, 2020On our most recent trip to Berlin, I was surprised to see this street poster for Coke.
Roughly translated it proudly proclaims: ‘For serious pizza serve the original.’
I fully understand food and wine, matching, even food and beer matching, but food and Coke is just silly.
While the uptake of bottled water is growing worldwide, Coke’s market share, especially in Germany, is on the slide. Their worldwide business has shrunk by 2% per annum over the last ten years.
So it’s no wonder that they have adopted the rather bizarre strategy of trying to make a fizzy, sugar laden soft drink match with food.
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