On a recent ‘overseas trip’, well it was over the bay to Queenscliff, we visited the Queenscliff Brewhouse for lunch.
This is a great craft brewery and restaurant, just a short walk from the ferry terminal.
There I had an IPA (India Pale Ale), which isn’t unusual, but the beer certainly was.
It was described as a Chardonnay IPA.
I got chatting to a guy, who was sitting at a table near by, and he believed it was matured in Chardonnay oak barrels, which made perfect sense.
Then I got talking to the manager and got the full picture. He took me behind the bar and showed me the ‘Barman’s briefing notes’ that were attached to the beer tap.
And sure enough, it was matured in Chardonnay barrels but it also contained 7% of the wine itself.
It was a great American, West Coast style, IPA with a fruity character, obviously helped by the inclusion of the Chardonnay.
If you like your wine but want a beer, this is for you.
The best of both worlds.
Thursday, March 23rd, 2023On a recent ‘overseas trip’, well it was over the bay to Queenscliff, we visited the Queenscliff Brewhouse for lunch.
This is a great craft brewery and restaurant, just a short walk from the ferry terminal.
There I had an IPA (India Pale Ale), which isn’t unusual, but the beer certainly was.
It was described as a Chardonnay IPA.
I got chatting to a guy, who was sitting at a table near by, and he believed it was matured in Chardonnay oak barrels, which made perfect sense.
Then I got talking to the manager and got the full picture. He took me behind the bar and showed me the ‘Barman’s briefing notes’ that were attached to the beer tap.
And sure enough, it was matured in Chardonnay barrels but it also contained 7% of the wine itself.
It was a great American, West Coast style, IPA with a fruity character, obviously helped by the inclusion of the Chardonnay.
If you like your wine but want a beer, this is for you.
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