In the midst of all the gloom and doom, resulting from the Coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s refreshing to see someone with a sense of humour. Especially when it’s taking the piss out of all the idiots hoarding truck loads of toilet paper, in the slim chance that they are going to be put into quarantine.
I spotted this wonderfully improvised poster in a Sorrento fish and chip shop window last Saturday.
It was a long weekend and judging by the giggles from the many passers-by, it was having the right effect.
Wednesday, March 11th, 2020In the midst of all the gloom and doom, resulting from the Coronavirus (COVID-19), it’s refreshing to see someone with a sense of humour. Especially when it’s taking the piss out of all the idiots hoarding truck loads of toilet paper, in the slim chance that they are going to be put into quarantine.
I spotted this wonderfully improvised poster in a Sorrento fish and chip shop window last Saturday.
It was a long weekend and judging by the giggles from the many passers-by, it was having the right effect.
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