I went to NerdCamp.

Last weekend we went to the Melbourne WordPress WordCamp at RMIT University.

It was fantastic value at $50 for the two days, including lunch and 2 cups of excellent coffee – the preferred beverage of Nerds.

The real value came in getting to understand WordPress and how it works a little better.

I spoke with developers and a number of web designers. The one thing that surprised me was how little attention is paid to typography and type standards.

Now I find this a little strange as WordPress, blogging and websites in general are more about words than pictures.

Some of the ‘Designers’ I spoke to seemed more interested in the look of their sites and not at all interested in how well they communicated.

Most of the WordPress themes and Plugins are also all about look and not content.

The common consensus, within the WordPress community, is that there are real problems with type standards, however little is being done about it.

I come from a old school graphic design background where column width, leading, kerning and tracking were all considered essential in developing readable type.

I would be interested to see what new developments WordPress are making in this area.


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